Restoring SQL 2008 server database backup

Have you ever moved offices, come to switch your VM SQL server on and found that the SQL server image doesn’t even exist? I have. Lucky that I took a backup hey?


Here is how to restore an SQL server backup:-


1. Log on to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio with an account that has the right permissions.

2. Go to “Databases”, right click “New Database”

3. Name the DB the same as it was before. This should be in the name of the backup

4. Navigate to the DB, right click – tasks – restore – Database.

5. Choose “From Device” and navigate to the location of the backup.

6. In the “Select the backup sets to restore” section tick the box under “Restore”.

7. Go to “Options” and tick the box that says “Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE)”

8. Click OK




Reboot error with SQL 2008 install

  1. Start regedit.exe
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
  3. Locate PendingFileRenameOperations
  4. Remove any data associated with the value (you may want to export the value for later review)
  5. Reboot and rerun installation, check should pass.

I had the same problem with the logitech garbage in the registery. Just want to add two minor clarification:
1- I didn’t removed the PendingFileRenameOperations registery but only the content
2- I didn’t rebooted after step 1 but I justed clicked on rescan in the SQL installation tool